Moving Artificial Intelligence from Dark Art, to Daily Ally
AI inevitably brings in change, yet ordinarily Humans tend to not like change. With inbuilt cognitive biases lurking away in the background, we’re comfortable as we are. These encourage us to cling onto old, unproductive behaviours & beliefs.
When confronted with new challenges, our minds habitually prefer to apply existing approaches to solve them. Moreover, where change is thrust upon us, resistance is the mind’s more common reflex action.
The real challenge that’s surfacing is not AI per se, but how we think about AI. Are we able to embrace a Mindset that enables us to realise its maximum potential? Herein lies the problem; because AI is relatively new, few have a good sense of what AI is, how it works, and what it might be able to.
Aristotle told us that “Mother nature abhors a vacuum”, and because of that, many catastrophise over AI; we fill our heads with often unfounded fears. That’s the challenge that this practical Workshop aims to tackle.
We want you to explore AI through the keyboard, to start viewing changes that AI brings from close in. This will allow you explore some of its Tools, to see what things are (and are not) with considerably more granularity. It will enable you to get to know AI better, to take on more informed perspectives of consequences & possibilities it affords.
Ultimately, the aim is to help you forge a new, more productive Mindset For AI.
This Workshop therefore takes an emotionally intelligent approach to AI. Our focus is built around a belief that AI affords us a wide range of new approaches to solve old problems. We further believe that embracing it as a “helping hand”, to engage with it as our own personal amanuensis, is a safe next step. We’ll also see that when choosing to use it in this manner, we can begin to mould our Mindsets and enable AI to seriously enhance both our productivity as well as our creativity.